Monday, August 12, 2013

"For The Greater Good" -a short dark comedy

"For The Greater Good"  

Portland Film Festival 
What a long break between filming jobs. No wonder I have been feeling so insane lately. This shoot was brought to me by the Erik Forssell. We shot on the Sony CineAlta. Nice fine little camera. I really love being able to go onto sets, even if it takes over my weekend. Obviously, I couldn’t do it all the time unless I quit my “day job”. I have come to realize that there are quite a bit of Orange County filmmakers I have been meeting and working with. Everyone heads up to LA to shoot. I wish I knew what to do with this knowledge, I would like to utilize it in some way to gather everyone up in OC and make something great like start our own studio and production house in OC. I have seen a lot more studios in OC, but I hardly see the amount of work flow run through them. But, the talent and hard work I have seen from some of the people who have worked with me seem like a different breed from what I have seen in the existing OC studios. I’ll just leave that alone for now… I do want to have some sort of OC film making contact circle where everyone can connect with.

Anyway…This shoot was a short dark comedy. It was for the most part an easy fun shoot all in one location. The room was glass all around which was difficult to shoot and worry about reflections. Erik did a great job. Great Crew I have worked with most of them before on "Mandoula".

Nice little update: the film has gotten into at least one film festival!!!